![Dominic Minz](https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-_NzD2R_Co58/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/AMZuuclxrbXCvRSpN7s1VRPRw5lm00HP4w/s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo-ba3/photo.jpg)
@ May 30, 2020
Dominic Minz
This is not-so-famous & less visible church in Shimla. This is on the other end of the Mall Road (other end being the Christ Church end). On one of my solo (purely shoestring) trips to Shimla, i strolled to the end of the mall and landed on this church. Regular Sunday services are held here. Good place, though not touristy. Th place is open to all and can be visited. (Do maintain the sanctity of the place & be discreet). if you DO visit the Church do not miss to see the pipe organs. And if you want to experience the performance, be an audience for the Sunday Mass.