![Jayeshkumar Joshi](https://lh5.ggpht.com/--xUyXPCLiH0/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/pBAJRfDXCew/s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo-ba6/photo.jpg)
@ December 28, 2019
Jayeshkumar Joshi
The Varca Beach is one tourist destination that is not so famous in the Beach Capital of India Goa. The quiet resort is charming with the bountiful beauty of nature. The soft white sandy beach is a major draw for several tourists. The Varca beach is quieter and cleaner when compared with the other renowned beaches in Goa. The palm-thatched long houses dot the sandy Varca beach. Along with the usual relaxing and rejuvenating activities like sun bathing you may indulge in Dolphin watching and boat trips. It is time to enjoy the nature at its best at the Varca beach. Besides the fun for food there are several restaurants that offer excellent seafood at reasonable prices and good service. There are many eating joints in the hotels. Many accommodation facilities are also available on the Varca beach itself. A variety of hotels and beach resorts dot Varca. Though there is ample shelter for the budget tourists too in the form of houses that may be rented in the village. The latter offers an excellent first hand experience of the true Goan lifestyle. Though you may plan your visit of the Varca beach any time of the year though the months from November to March are the best in all respects.