La demence - Brussels    Share

4/5 stars (68 reviews)

About this place

  • Cost Rs 1500 ( Approx. for 2 people )
  • Number : +32 465 40 71 45
  • Near By Grand Place
  • 1.60 Km 24 min.
  • Lounges , Clubs & Pubs

LA DEMENCE is a huge gay party in Brussels that takes place around 12 times a year: mostly on a Friday, or the day before a bank holiday. LA DEMENCE promotes safe-sex! The only gay party taking place in this venue is called LA DEMENCE On other dates it is regular club! Approx cost for two people Rs 1500

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Rue Blaes 208, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium
+32 465 40 71 45
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Rue Blaes 208, Bruxelles

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Ershad Ramezani

Ershad Ramezani

20.00 %

@ 08 Feb, 2020

Honestly it was far away from my expectations. I was so disappointed. Overcrowded, bad music, rude staff, small but expensive drinks. We’d bought the tickets one month ago but they kept us in the queue and first accepted people who would pay in cash. By the way I forgot my change at the bar and the bartender brought it back to me.

Anton Seidl

Anton Seidl

20.00 %

@ 02 Jan, 2020

Strange experience, i can tell yo why. I was there at 1st of January. First I had a lot of fun till rnd 2 o cliock. i bought 2 bottles of Martini Prosecco to welcome the new year with my friend and a group of 5 people whuch were travelling with me. Then i was discussing with my frirnd if we buy one more prosecco, i pulled my money out and was hold from security "we are suspect" and had to go to the "office". Asking why we are suspect , we got no answer and were released. We were allowed to order the 3rd bottle. At 3 o clock i have left. Very strange to see all people taking drugs and for myself being suspect for buying a bottle of Martinii Prosecco. ... So if you are drug addict it's the right place for you. You are suspect of you don't take drugs !

alex theo

alex theo

20.00 %

@ 03 Nov, 2019

I was insulted by a waiter without reason. He said :"are you French? " I answered no, why? He said :" because in France they are all ugly". He got my beer in the face. How can waiter be disrespectful like that?

Dávid Kristóf

Dávid Kristóf

100.00 %

@ 26 Apr, 2019

Best time of my life. party of my life. All kinds of different men, great music. It was just amazing.

Esther Minia

Esther Minia

20.00 %

@ 27 Jun, 2019

Terrible: it was better some years ago. I went last July 9th and the conclusion is that THIS IS THE PERFECT CLUB TO GET ALL THE ETS/HIV YOU CAN GET. Once the 99,99% of the guys are completely high and drugged, they rush into the darkrooms (or even the dancefloor) to have unprotected sex with as many people they can get. NOBODY uses a condom (I've seen so many surreal sex acts that if I'd mention them, this post wouldn't possibly ever be published...). Go there and behave like Peter Pan IF YOU DON'T LOVE AND ESTIMATE YOUR LIFE

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