@ January 19, 2020
Mimi Bosman
Not fancy at all but had a good time and i just love TKMAXX that really is my fave store. We got such super cute stuff and really good good deals. HAVE FUN...
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Array ( [0] => Monday: 12:00 \u2013 6:00 PM [1] => Tuesday: 9:00 AM \u2013 6:00 PM [2] => Wednesday: 9:00 AM \u2013 6:00 PM [3] => Thursday: 9:00 AM \u2013 9:00 PM [4] => Friday: 9:00 AM \u2013 6:00 PM [5] => Saturday: 9:00 AM \u2013 5:00 PM [6] => Sunday: Closed )
The Amsterdamse Poort is a shopping centre in the Amsterdam borough Amsterdam-Zuidoost stadsdeel. It was opened in 1987. This shopping centre is the largest in Amsterdam.
@ 19 Jan, 2020
Not fancy at all but had a good time and i just love TKMAXX that really is my fave store. We got such super cute stuff and really good good deals. HAVE FUN...
@ 14 Jan, 2020
A lot of stores, nice for shopping and eating. It has pretty much anything. A bit pricey but to be expected.
@ 16 Dec, 2019
Lovely shopping mall. You can find lots of culture and unique shops here, something that is missing from many soulless shopping centers. Also close to the theater!
@ 13 Feb, 2020
Very nice shopping area. Not he mainstream like city centre. More diverse. Next to bijlmer station
@ 26 Nov, 2019
Wow! Poort was good!